Village Hall Management and Hire Charges

  • The village hall is managed by the Kirkbampton District Village Hall Management Charity Trustees (hereafter referred to as “the committee”).
  • The normal hire charges are determined by the committee and set out on their web site – (hereafter referred to as “the website”).
  • Cancellation of any booking must be made within 7 days of the intended hire date. Failure to do so may result in the Hirer having to pay in full. This is at the committees discretion.
  • BACs payment must be made within 7 days of receiving booking confirmation. Bank details are on the invoice sent.
  • An extra fee may be charged for ‘extraordinary’ cleaning in the event that the hall is left in an unacceptable condition.

General Responsibilities of the Hirer

  • When hiring the hall the hirer agrees to the following conditions:
  • The hirer shall, during the period of the hiring, be responsible for the supervision of the premises, its fabric and content, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises.
  • Under no circumstances may illegal drugs be brought onto the premises. The Hirer shall ensure that in order to avoid disturbing neighbours to the hall and avoid violent or criminal behaviour; care shall be taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • At no time to exceed the capacity of the room (Main Hall seated = 100, standing = 200) (Meeting Room seated = 16, standing = 30).
  • To ensure that, if alcohol is provided or sold, a valid licence (Temporary Event Notice) is obtained. The licence holder must remain on the premises at all times and ensure that all conditions of the licence are met. A copy of the licence (TEN) must be provided to the committee at least 48 hours before the commencement of the event.
  • To abide by all safety regulations relating to the hall, including the safe use of the provided stepladder.
  • Each hirer shall be responsible for organising their own risk assessment for the event/activities that they are organising. The committee accepts no responsibility in the event that this is not carried out.
  • To ensure that all fire exits are left unlocked and unobstructed during the period of the hiring.
  • Not to sub-let the hall without permission from the committee.
  • To allow access at any time to a member of the committee.
  • To set up the hall prior to their event, and to return all tables, chairs and equipment back to store following the event (unless agreed otherwise at the time of booking) within the agreed hire time.
  • Screening Films: Hirers should ensure that they have the appropriate copyright licences for any film that they screen during the period of hire. A film may only be shown on a ‘not for profit’ basis, and hirers must ensure that the audience is compliant with the film’s age classification rating as determined by the BBFC.
  • To clear up any spillages immediately, and leave the hall in a clean and tidy state, including the removal of all rubbish off-site.
  • To cease playing music by 1am at the latest (10.30 pm on Sunday).
  • To follow all aspects of the closing up procedure, as stated below and as displayed within the hall.
  • Not to fasten anything to the walls of the hall without permission of the committee.
  • Not to set off fireworks or light fires in or around the hall.
  • To ensure that all portable appliances used in or around the hall meet current safety standards – either by way of a current PAT testing certificate, or by visually inspecting as to their safety and good working order.
  • The Hirer, if preparing food, must comply with all Health and Safety regulations.
  • The hirer is responsible for any hire of a bouncy castle and the committee will need proof of liability insurance prior to hall hire date.

Losses, Damage, and Insurance

  • The hirer shall make good or pay for all damages (including accidental damage) to the hall premises, its fixtures & fittings, or loss of any contents, occurring during their period of hire.
  • The committee holds an insurance policy covering the hirer’s public liability i.e. their legal liability for injury to the public, or damage to their property, occurring at the premises in the course of the hirer’s activities. A summary of this cover (together with an endorsement extending the hirer’s public liability limit) may be found in the hall on the notice board.
  • The committee recommends that the hirer considers taking out insurances to cover those matters that the hall’s insurance does not.
  • The committee accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any property belonging to the users or hirers of the hall, nor for any consequential damage caused by them or their equipment.

Accidents and Emergencies

  • In the event of an accident, the details must be entered into the Accident Book which is kept behind the First Aid Kit in the Small Meeting Room.
  • The hirer must call the Fire Service to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details shall be given to the Chairperson of the committee.
  • In the event of any emergency the hirer must call either the Committee Chairperson (07765400525) or Secretary (07756221128).

Closing up Procedure

  • At the end of any event, the hirer is responsible for ensuring that the following actions have been taken:
  • Tables, chairs, and equipment returned to store. (Chairs to be stacked in accordance to guidance in store.)
  • All electric appliances are switched OFF.
  • All Lights are switched off. Please take special care that toilet lights are OFF.
  • Cleaning Cupboard is locked and the key hung up.
  • All windows closed and secure.
  • Hall clean and tidy.
  • All rubbish removed from site.
  • All accidents written in the Accident Book.

Version 1.2

March 2023